Discounts camping Drenthe Netherlands

Discopunt offers camping

On this page you find discounts of van Camping Tikvah. Our discounts are per pitch including 2 persons + gratis fiber WIFI, 4 kWh/nacht electra, gratis warm washing water. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit douchecard € 5,-) and the touristtax (€ 1,95 per person per night). look for our rates.

For a disocunt offer for a glamping tent click here!

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Disocunt offers camping for extra reduction

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Your Text


Aankomst  vr.29 mrt

Vertrek  ma.  01 april

3 nachten
(+late check-out)

Korting €20,50

Basis  plts €79,50-


Aankomst za.27 apr

Vertrek   za. 04 mei

7 nachten
(+late check-out)

Korting €22,50

Basis plts €161,50-


Aankomst wo.08 mei

Vertrek   zon. 12 mei

4 nachten
(+late check-out)

Korting €18,00

Basis plts €108,-


Aankomst vr.17 mei

Vertrek  ma.20 mei

3 nachten
(+late check-out)

Korting €20,00

Basis plts € 85,50

Hemelvaart & Pinksteren

Aankomst wo.08 mei

Vertrek   ma. 20 mei

12 nachten

(+late check-out)
Korting € 28,-

Basis plts € 288,-

WordPress Pricing Table Plugin

All our discounts are per pitch including 2 persons + gratis fiber WIFI, 4 kWh/nacht electra, gratis warm washing water. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit douchecard € 5,-) and the touristtax (€ 1,95 per person per night). look for our rates. For more then 4 persons you pay €4,00 per night extra. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit €5,-) and tourist-/ecotax (€1,95 per person per night). Combining with other reductioncards is not possible. We have Recron conditions.
When you use more then 4 kWh per nighty you pay over the extra kWh 0,50 per kWh.


Cheap month arrangements camping Drenthe





Price for 1 minute

Nazomer maand

September of okt. Kies zelf uw

aankomstdatum na 31augustus

€350 basisplts

€395 comfort

Boek september of okt.

Uw voordeel  €205,-

Excl. belast. en excl. Elektra (€0,50/kWh)

Hond mee? €50,- € 75,-

WordPress Pricing Table Plugin

All our discounts are per pitch including 2 persons + gratis fiber WIFI, 4 kWh/nacht electra, gratis warm washing water. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit douchecard € 5,-) and the touristtax (€ 1,95 per person per night). look for our rates. For more then 4 persons you pay €4,00 per night extra. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit €5,-) and tourist-/ecotax (€1,95 per person per night). Combining with other reductioncards is not possible. We have Recron conditions.
When you use more then 4 kWh per nighty you pay over the extra kWh 0,50 per kWh.


Summer offerings / reduction



Your Text

2 weken zomervakantie

€ 24,- voordeel

Uw aankomst moet na 1 juli vallen en uw vertrek voor 1 september

14 nachten boeken


13 nachten betalen

3 weken zomervakantie

€ 48,- voordeel

Uw aankomst moet na 1 juli vallen en uw vertrek vóór 1 september

21 nachten boeken


19 nachten betalen

4 weken zomervakantie

€ 72,- voordeel

Uw aankomst moet na 1 juli vallen en uw vertrek vóór 1 september

28 nachten boeken


25 nachten betalen

5 weken zomervakantie

€ 96,- voordeel

Uw aankomst moet na 1 juli vallen en uw vertrek vóór 1 september

35 nachten boeken


31 nachten betalen

6 weken zomervakantie

€ 120,- voordeel

Uw aankomst moet na 1 juli vallen en uw vertrek vóór 1 september

42 nachten boeken


37 nachten betalen

WordPress Pricing Table Plugin

All our discounts are per pitch including 2 persons + gratis fiber WIFI, 4 kWh/nacht electra, gratis warm washing water. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit douchecard € 5,-) and the touristtax (€ 1,95 per person per night). look for our rates. For more then 4 persons you pay €4,00 per night extra. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit €5,-) and tourist-/ecotax (€1,95 per person per night). Combining with other reductioncards is not possible. We have Recron conditions.
When you use more then 4 kWh per nighty you pay over the extra kWh 0,50 per kWh.


Month September reduction






Price for 1 minute





6,5 mnd seizoensplaats

Periode 29 mrt tm 15 oktober

€1275 Basisplts

6,5 mnd Comfortplaats

Periode 29 mrt tm 15 oktober

Seizoensplaats 2p

Beperkt beschikbaar

Uw hond mee? Betaal €175,-

incl. 200 kW elektra, excl. belastingen.

Over het meerverbruik  betaald u €0,50/kwH

WordPress Pricing Table Plugin

All our discounts are per pitch including 2 persons + gratis fiber WIFI, 4 kWh/nacht electra, gratis warm washing water. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit douchecard € 5,-) and the touristtax (€ 1,95 per person per night). look for our rates. For more then 4 persons you pay €4,00 per night extra. Not included is showering (€0,15/min + deposit €5,-) and tourist-/ecotax (€1,95 per person per night). Combining with other reductioncards is not possible. We have Recron conditions.
When you use more then 4 kWh per nighty you pay over the extra kWh 0,50 per kWh.